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Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I celebrated my 39th Birthday..My husband is Traveling in China so I celebrated it with my three kids.. I loved it. I went to see New Moon alone. I have never been to a movie by myself.. I have to tell you it felt a little weird but I didn't care. My daughters made me cards. They have such big hearts and my sister came with cards,cake and flowers.. I must say I didn't enjoy that my husband wasn't around but I really enjoyed getting in my Jammie's and ordering a pizza with my kids. I think as I get older I enjoy celebrating my kids birthdays a whole lot more. It really doesn't feel the same as it did when I was young. Now it's a number, next year.. The Big 40 and I am going to embrace it and look at my future with open arms and look at all the possibilities to come.

I love that I am a year older. I appreciate more. I respect more, I love more,I care more.. I am truly blessed that This blog had brought me so many new and creative friends and amazing companies I get to work with. You have all been a great Gift. Thank You from the bottom of my heart.. Wishing all of you a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving. For Our troops and their families.. Thank you for fighting to keep this country safe. You are always in my prayers and I want nothing but a safe return for each and every one of you. THANK YOU!


  1. Like they say. You aren't getting older you are getting better. Who ever they are. Well anyway I talk from experience. I would rather do pizza in jammies with my family anyday.

  2. Happy Birthday! Sounds like it was awesome. I just found you on MBC. Will be following you now. Your site is totally adorable. Come by and visit me sometime at:


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