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Friday, February 12, 2010

More "Finding The Good" We all have it in us...

I have to say, Kathleen is an inspiration... Thank You for sharing!

Kathleen Wilson, Founder of, the largest patients helping patients for people who are dealing with Multiple Scleroses. I am a friend and admirer of Kathleen's. MSWORLD is all all volunteer organization and Kathleen has won many of the most important awards for her work to help others with this devastating disease. Kathleen's motto, _Wellness is a State of Mind_ says it all in her vision finding good in everything.

Here's Kathleen's story:
21 years ago Kathleen was a fine artist and creative director in advertising. She was struck by Multiple Sclerosis and found herself without the ability to walk and in extreme isolation. Instead of hiding, Kathleen utilized the emerging Internet and created the first chat group for people with MS. Realizing there was a need for connections for people suffering with MS and they were so isolated, Kathleen created Under Kathleen's leadership, is the largest Patients Helping Patients website on the planet that helps people with MS, their friends and their families. I've included the link to is a non-profit organization where all the staff, including Kathleen, are volunteers with MS. and Kathleen Wilson are making a huge difference for those whose lives have been radically altered because of MS. Kathleen's motto, _Wellness is a State of Mind_ says it all. That's what Kathleen Wilson brings to the tens of thousands of members of

Kathleen has been highly recognized for giving back to people with MS to make their lives and the lives of their friends and family better. She's won the major awards honoring people who have helped those who live with Multiple Sclerosis.

I am such a fan of Kathleen's and so admire how she has made such a positive difference for people of all ages suffering with Multiple Sclerosis or suffering from a friend or family member having MS.


  1. Kathleen, you are such a unique and caring individual in so many ways!

    And, "There's No Place in the World like MSWorld for People Living with Multiple Sclerosis!"

    Thank You Kathleen for giving us MSWorld and everything it means to all of us every single day!

    We Love You!

    The MSWorld All-Volunteer Team
    "Living with MS, and Always Here for Our Members!"

  2. I've been an on-line subscrber to MSWorld for a few years, but didn't know the back-story. Thanks for the insight to its genesis, and thanks to Kathleen for creating a valuable resource for our MS community. I look forward to the weekly update.
    Donna, Pittsburgh, MS since 1989


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